Untitled (halo) inhabits a bell tower in a West Philadelphia church sanctuary no longer in use. The piece takes presence inside crumbling stone walls that in the past provided function and aesthetic for calling distinct schedule in peals to listeners for time, action, contemplation, and relationship. Now, in the diffused light of glass pane and cavernous heights, three halo structures composed of transparency slide film suspend in space yet in movement from draft and air flow, mirroring back light and place. Just as outdated transparency slides used light and motor to provide visual communication, the moving light and sculptures reflect back interior architectural artifact.
The art piece as a community of halos is signifier. The piece presents and gives presence to itself and dialogue with each other, while remaining unseen in the emptiness. Aesthetic intention of the art pieces provide illumination and the glory of reflected light, and yet we see the imperfections of the piece in the artist’s handprints, the manual rivets, and dust. The very act of not being seen asks what is significance and points further to ask what is glory?
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